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One Year Ago


A year ago today I was admitted to the hospital through the ER for severe respiratory issues. This wasn’t my first rodeo - I thought I would likely be admitted for a few days for a tuneup and then be ready to ring in 2019 🎉 I had no idea I was in for another fight for my life. I wouldn’t come home in a few days - instead I’d come home in 4 months!

Not to go into too much detail, but my lung collapsed and I had to be placed on life support. With the great care of my healthcare providers and support of my Mom and #TeamAlli, after two months I was able to once again breathe on my own. Only months later did I learn that the medical staff was predicting I’d never be off of the ventilator, and I’d never be able to come home.

Every day was a physical and mental challenge. When on life support, you’re unable to talk. We had to find different ways to communicate my needs. But we did it. I was too weak for a long time to even hold my phone and text or use social media to check in with the world. But my friends would come by just to remind me there were so many people out there praying for me and believing in me. My hospital room was the best decorated thanks to friends and strangers sending cards and artwork we hung for me too see. No gray blank walls allowed here. I needed that motivation. And YOU did it. Mom never left my side for those four months, but the toll it took on her changed our lives permanently. She was no longer able to lift me and care for me the way she had all of my life. This created a new obstacle - setting up care for when I came home. But we did it. And when I came home, what joy yet apprehension there was - Life had taken another twist, yet I couldn’t be luckier to have the team of caregivers around me who have been patient as we adjusted and I learned how to trust and manage them. It hasn’t always been easy. But we’re doing it!

They say a cat has nine lives. I believe I have just one to live and love and learn with all that I have for as long as I have. I want to use this one precious life to make a fundamental difference in the lives of others. That’s my goal, and I hope one day it will be said, “She did it!”

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